Friday, August 7, 2009

Garage Sale Church

So, are you amazed at the title of this posting? Well, I am amazed at how the Father directs our steps and hearts!
Here is the story of the "Garage Sale Church"!
Last Saturday I drove my usual trip to Brenham to the H.E.B. market and to the Farmer's Market. On the way, I observed a garage sale sign just outside a seculed housing development but I decided I would not stop because.....1) I needed to conserve my money and 2) I was on a time schedule of my own making.
About 1 mile past the sign I decided to turn around and go see the treasures --- was I tempted or was there another purpose?
You guessed it! You are so smart! :)
I encountered a family who really loves the Lord despite some extremely difficult times right is in the final stage of Lupis. What an atmosphere of hope and joy I sensed as we conversed. Just as naturally as talking about the Lord, the topic of a local body of believers demonstrating support and love was mentioned. I asked where this body of believers was and Greg (the dad) said, "Champion Fellowship near downtown Brenham". He asked me where I received my support and love and I had to admit I had no church family at the present time. His young daughter of 9 years spoke up and said, "Why don't you come to our church this Sunday!" As I looked at her, I envisioned one of my granddaughters saying that and I smiled at her saying....."You know what, I am going to be there tomorrow...look for me, ok?"
On Sunday I drove into the parking lot of Champion Fellowship and was greeted by a man directing vehicles. He even opened my car door! Pointing me in the direction of the front doors, I made my way into an experience of worship I will never forget! The men and women of the church were so very friendly, the music was worshipful, communion was conducted in a manner that caused me to worship Christ and then the message was encouraging from the Word of God. The pastor was finishing up his series in 1 Corinthians 5. What a marvelous day!
Although I did not purchase anything at the garage sale, I was given information about a church, genuine concern from other believers and hope! Now, where can you go to a sale, not spend one penny and come away with more than you went with?
God bless that mom, bless that dad and their two young children!
Thank You, Lord, for the garage sale sign last Saturday!

1 comment:

chellealbania said...

I love the way God works! I am so very thankful that you have "found" a body of believers that loves the Lord and where you can worship and be cared for. The Lord cares for His dearly loved children. I love you mom! Chel